
Shinymetrics is a product of Opifex Sàrl based in Geneva, Switzerland, founded by John Coene.

Shinymetrics is born out of the need to track shiny applications.

Whilst there are many web analytics tools out there, none really suit event-driven single page applications like those built with the Shiny framework, and though they can be made to work with it, every application will require substantial work to setup adequate tracking.

Moreover there are currently no tools that inform developers about the performances of their applications in production.

Shinymetrics solves these problems: it allows understanding which features work, which plots are viewed, and how inputs are used. It also collects data to help developers record errors and get a rough idea of the performances of the applications they create.

Shinymetrics appeals to both managers who want to better inform development of applications their team produces, as well as developers who need to know about server performances, errors encountered, and more.

Please reach out to should you have any enquiries.